How to do Kegel exercises for men correctly at home

In 1952, a German gynecologist developed a set of exercises for women suffering from urinary incontinence.

Soon they became of interest to the stronger sex and Kegel exercises for men became widespread for such male problems as weakened erections, rapid ejaculation, prostatitis, urinary disorders, after prostatectomy.

The complex was aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum and was based on the ancient treatise Kama Sutra. The exercises proved to be useful in enhancing sexual pleasure.

One of the main advantages of the complex is that it can be performed in any conditions and postures.

Kegel exercises can be done at home, at work, in the car. You can do it while sitting, lying or standing. For the complex to be effective, you need to know how to perform Kegel exercises correctly.

How to find the right muscle

You have to learn how to find the object of training. This is the pubococcygeal or PC muscle. It connects the bottom of the inner surface of the pubic (pubic bone) and the top of the coccyx. In its immediate vicinity is the prostate gland. It has many other names, confirming its importance – the muscle of love, the muscle of potency.

Each man can check its work in the toilet, handling a small toilet. Delaying for a minute to urinate, you will feel how the right muscle tensed. Lifting the testicles serves as a kind of control.

The second option of detecting the muscle of potency is recommended to do with an erect penis. Tense the muscle, making the penis “jump”. A hand placed on the crotch will help you find the muscle you are looking for.

When can you start practicing

If a person is able to tense and loosen the lc-muscle at will, the first thing to do is to bring the process of “relaxation-reduction-relaxation” literally to automatism. The following technique is recommended for this purpose:

  • emptying the bladder;
  • Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees and hips, arms along your body;
  • Tense pubococcygeal muscles for 5 seconds, relax for 5 seconds, break for 10 seconds, repeat the cycle 10 times;
  • Make three such approaches three times a day. 

This intimate exercise can be done during the day in the car, in a traffic jam, standing at a bus stop waiting for transport, and even walking in the park.

It is important not to knock down the breath, breathe smoothly and calmly. Tension goes on the inhale, relaxation on the exhale.

The Kegel Complex – Step by Step Execution

The basic Kegel exercises for men have been supplemented over time by others aimed at managing the process of relaxation/contraction of the pelvic floor musculature. Let’s consider the step by step performance of classic Kegel gymnastics.

Step one. Relaxation – tension.

The cycle consists of 3 seconds of tension and 3 seconds of relaxation. Start with 20-30 cycles a day, by the end of the week bring the exercise to 50. Follow the advice to pump the muscle daily for at least 2 weeks.

Step two. Learn to strain the lk-muscle independently of the others.

At the initial stage, almost no one manages to achieve isolated muscle tension. Muscles of the pelvis, buttocks, abdomen, legs and even face are strained at the same time.

Increase the load and the number of cycles gradually, taking as a basis those that can be performed easily and freely. The principle of the second step should be gradualness, consistency.

Step three. Lengthen contractions, shorten relaxations.

In this step the ratio in the cycle changes from 3:3 to 10:4:

  • 10 seconds increased tension, 4 seconds relaxation. Increase the number of repetitions to 70-100. It is possible to divide the exercise into two approaches, in the morning and in the evening.
  • The duration of the third step is one month.
  • Correctly pass the system of 3 steps, you are ready to proceed to the variations – extension of tonus time or meek frequent alternations: tone-relaxation or step-by-step move on to the new Kegel exercises at home.

What can strengthen the gymnastics

If female massagers of intimate muscles in the form of balls (1 or 2 balls) are used for a long time, the Kegel simulator for men was developed 2-3 years ago.

  • It is a modern device, resembling a thickened pad, it is used externally – a man simply sits on it with his crotch area and receives a massage according to the program set on the smartphone. The instructions suggest using the simulator as a wearable in shorts.
    Kegel exercises for men are complemented by complexes, recorded in video lessons and allowing you to easily master these techniques at home.

Here are some of them:

  1. Gluteal bridge – lying on your back, legs bent, feet pressed to the floor, arms along the body. Lift and lower your pelvis at a fairly rapid pace, sometimes staying at the highest point for a few seconds, with the LKM working on its own;
  2. Squat with knees apart – legs apart, squat with straight back, arms forward;
  3. Standing on all fours, pull the pelvic muscles inward and upward;
  4. Walking on your buttocks – forward and backward;
  5. Leg raises – lying on your back, legs bent. Lift your legs until your hips are perpendicular to the floor.

How to keep a muscle toned

The tone of any muscle depends on how active it is. You can check the condition of your pubococcygeal muscles in a very simple way.

A proper check is to throw a small dry towel over your penis in the morning when you have an erection after straining it. If the towel does not fall, congratulate yourself – you got the result.

You can incorporate this test into your daily exercise routine, continue to strengthen the muscle and after a while do it with a wet towel.

How to do exercises after a prostatectomy

After the removal of such an important organ as the prostate, for adenoma or malignant disease, a man needs rehabilitation.

When discharged from urology, it is advisable to consult the doctor – how many days after surgery, in what amount can begin to perform Kegel exercises in order to restore the genital area, urination, so as not to harm.

If the doctor will not prescribe special Kegel gymnastics, then usually after the improvement of the physical condition of the patient, he can begin to exercise. As an example, here are two exercises.

1. Aimed at relaxing the muscles.

Knee-elbow position, forehead resting on forearms. Stay in this position for about 2 minutes, relaxing the crotch as much as possible.

2. Muscle tension.

Lie on your back, with your legs slightly apart. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, lift the buttocks, tensing the pelvic muscles and the foot (alternately).

What is the usefulness of the complex

The Kegel method has the following effects:

  • eliminates stagnation, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, this reduces the risk of prostatitis and hemorrhoids;
  • improves an erection thanks to the potency muscle, which helps pump blood into the penis;
  • control of the love muscle helps prolong sexual intercourse, preventing premature ejaculation;
  • Against the background of Kegel gymnastics, orgasm, as a rule, will be markedly different for the better;
  • facilitates urination, eliminates urinary incontinence.

Is there any possible harm from the exercises? If you perform Kegel exercises correctly, observing the contraindications and the step-by-step approach outlined above, then nothing that would be unpleasant, neither psychologically nor physically will happen.


In the absence of contraindications, any man from the age of 16 can do Kegel exercises.

Exercise is prohibited:

  • For unclear groin pain;
  • in adenoma of the prostate;
  • in cases of cancer;
  • any acute inflammatory processes;
  • In hemorrhoids of the 3rd-4th degree;
  • Vascular disease in the pelvis and legs.

Restrictions apply to men with arterial hypertension, they need to consult a doctor.


The opinions of doctors are mixed. In their reviews, they are unanimous in their opinion that Kegel gymnastics is effective at a young age, emphasizing its preventive rather than therapeutic effect.

If every young man without sexual problems chooses one or more exercises and performs them regularly to beautify his sex life, he may not encounter problems in the future.

The internet is full of men’s testimonials. They are very different – some have a serious improvement, some noted the appearance of unpleasant signs or painful sensations.

Therefore, a doctor’s advice on how to properly perform a complex of Kegel exercises, especially if minimal symptoms of malaise have appeared, will only benefit you.