Cunnilingus Technique

Oral caressing is a part of sexual play that both men and women love. And if the caresses of a man’s penis, even with an inexperienced partner, easily end in an orgasm, it is not so easy to bring the lady to the highest pleasure.

And those men who know how to do cunnilingus properly, deserve true respect. So is it possible to learn how to do cunnilingus, or is this art available only to a select few?

How important is oral caressing

If a woman says that she doesn’t like oral caressing, it means that she has never been with a man who knows how to do it correctly. Of course, there is a category of the fairer sex, who consider lesbian sex something shameful and scary, but, as a rule, these are the girls who have not tried it yet or dream about it very much. All other ladies, who have managed to experience the pleasure of oral sex, claim that it cannot be compared to anything else.

According to sexologists, orgasm in cunnilingus is more vivid and stronger than in vaginal penetration. But to make a woman experience it, you need to learn how to do it correctly and gently. Not only the caressing technique itself is important, the atmosphere in which the cunnilingus is performed is important. The penetration of the man’s mouth into the innermost part of the woman’s body increases the girl’s feeling of sexuality, she feels wanted, loved, which makes her body respond to caresses more strongly.

Men who caress their partner orally are also often highly aroused, because the notion of their exclusivity increases their self-esteem as well.

After all, a woman will not allow the first partner to enter the holy of holies of her body – such trust must be earned. And it is very important that at this moment the technique was at its best and the woman got the sensations she dreamed about, or even those she could only guess about. And in order to give her such sensations, it is important to learn how to do it correctly.

Where to start?

It is important not only to perform the movements correctly, the main thing is to achieve moral intimacy with your partner, her complete trust. If the spiritual contact is established, you can start.

Lesbian sex, just like ordinary sex, begins with foreplay. It is important to warm up her imagination, to hint that you have a desire to give her pleasure with your mouth and tongue. This can be done with words, whispering your intentions in her ear, or with gestures: stroking and touching in the groin area. It is important to make your partner want cunnilingus: the anticipation of such pleasure will increase arousal several times. But you should not make her wait long either – a light and gentle massage with kisses from her mouth to the innermost place will be an excellent beginning of cunnilingus.

Approaching the cherished place, you can slightly “slow down”. It is not necessary to go directly to the cunnilingus: a gentle massage with the lips of the inner thighs and lower abdomen, playing with the belly button will help a woman to become more aroused and just languish with desire. Also the technique of pre-excitement includes caressing with the hands. Stroking not only the intimate areas, but also hands, feet, face of the partner is extremely important. The main thing is to start correctly – before penetrating a woman with your mouth, caress the edges of the vagina with your fingers.

This can be done gently and gently, or you can confidently and assertively. Such caresses with fingers will introduce an element of surprise: expecting oral caresses, the partner will receive touching, which will slightly cool her ardor and make her demand the promised pleasure. In the end, such play will only heat up her feelings and excite her even more. And when that excitement makes her body tingle, you can proceed directly to cunnilingus.

At the first stage it is important to “learn” the girl, especially if oral sex has taken place for the first time and there is little experience in this matter. A gentle tongue massage of the walls of the vagina, performed in a circular motion, will “tell” about the first emotions of the partner.

After a few such movements, you can proceed to sucking the clitoris or labia. The technique of caressing in this case implies a periodic change of movements, because the monotony is habit-forming and the excitement gradually disappears.

If you do it correctly, the sensitivity will never dull, and a woman will be able to reach the highest point of pleasure – orgasm.

It is therefore important to listen to your partner: the nature of her movements and moans can easily be understood if she likes the process or something goes wrong. It is also right not to change the rhythm and movements when the woman is nearing completion, as this can disrupt her and she will not be able to reach orgasm.

Experienced lovers refer to this as an element of sexual play – they bring their partner almost to the peak and cut off the caresses, thus making her more aroused. But only men who have mastered all the rules of cuddling and are confident in their abilities can do so. At the first stages of training it is better to refrain from such games.

Techniques of oral caressing a woman

The first technique of satisfying the partner with the mouth is caressing with the tongue. To do this, the tongue should be spread out so that it becomes wide, this will help cover a large area of the vagina.

But in order to perform a moist and gentle stimulating massage of certain points, you need only the tip of your tongue. Thus, by changing the volume and size of the tongue, you can gently explore the female vagina, gradually increasing the intensity of the movements. Many women like the movements of the tongue back and forth in the vagina, imitating the movements of the penis. It is unlikely that your partner will be able to reach orgasm, but the pleasant sensations of such movements will undoubtedly present.

When caressing with the tongue, special attention should be paid to the clitoris. Its sensitivity is several times higher than that of the penis head, and then make it a gentle massage with the tongue should be very carefully. Often an inexperienced partner can cause pain with strong stimulation, so start caressing the clitoris with very light touches. It is important to follow the emotions of the partner, so that the moans of pleasure do not become cries of pain.

The next type of movement is sucking. In this case you can do cunnilingus by sucking and pulling movements. It is possible to suck any part of the female external genitalia: the labia and labia majora, the clitoris, the skin areas. Such movements can be combined with pulling sideways, and gentle tongue massage can add emotion.

The intensity of the sucking can be varied, increasing as the woman becomes more aroused. But here it is important to correctly calculate the strength, because too much pressure will cause pain. You can add nibbling to the sucking movements, but you need to do it very carefully and gently.

The following technique is called “playing the trumpet”, and to master it, you will need some practice. During oral caressing, you need to position your lips near your partner’s clitoris so that you can feel a light touch of it.

The lips should be folded in a tube and blow on the clitoris, imitating the play on the instrument of the same name. That the technique is correct, will tell you two things. The first is the vibration of air between the lips and a slight sound, and the second is a moan of pleasure from the partner. Breathing in this case should be done through the nose. The positions of the mouth can be changed by running a circular motion over the clitoris and the nearby parts of the vagina. It is important that the lips easily touched the genitals of women, then this gentle massage will give her the highest pleasure.

But what should not be done is blowing into the vagina, especially if a woman is preparing to become a mother.

Intense air penetration can lead to various internal injuries, so this technique is inadmissible for use in the vagina.

Finger movements may well replace it in this place. Hands are an obligatory component of any oral caressing technique. As the eastern sages say, “as long as you have at least one finger, you are still a man. Finger fondling of your partner is possible with any technique.

They are inserted into the vagina, the hands are stroking the external genitals, pressing the clitoris, etc. The combination of tongue and fingers can bring any woman to orgasm and diversify the usual intimate life.

Oral caressing rules

The main weapons of a man in the technique of performing oral caresses are his tongue and fingers. But there are a number of rules that should be adhered to to facilitate the process for the partner and help achieve orgasm for the woman. These are simple, but important things that should not be forgotten.

And the first such thing is a pillow. By placing it under the partner’s ass, it will be possible to raise her pelvis, thereby facilitating the process of tongue penetration into the vagina.

Such a device will help her to relax, and the partner will be more comfortable, because the vagina will be at the level of his face.

It is important not only to slowly go down to the intimate place of your partner, but also to gently spread her legs. There is no need to do it sharply and strongly – such an intrusion can scare the girl away and kill any desire for intimacy.

It is possible to open the partner a little, so that it is only enough to get close to the cherished place, and when the excitement intensifies – spread her legs as it will be convenient for both of them.

Oral caresses should be gentle and accurate. All movements should begin slowly, increasing their intensity gradually, as the excitement of the lady. It is important to listen to a woman’s sensations, so as not to hurt her and not to lose sensitivity.

It is important not to forget the other parts of the body. A partner’s face, hands and legs, her breasts, stomach and ass also need attention. You can caress them with your hands, stroking and tweezing, just like in normal sex.